Equinatura Toscana periodicaly organizes occasions for in-depth study with Instructors from the centre and with experts. These are themed courses lasting from half a day to two to three full days.
The first stage is adressed to those woh are approaching Natural Horsemanship, or horseriding in general, for the first time. It lasts three hours and is a first approach to the Method.
The themed stage, aimed at a more intense exercise of a determined aspect of Natural Horsemanship.
The themed workshop is addressed to those who want to increase knowledge regarding a particular aspect of Parelli Natural Horsemanship, lasting a whole day and held by instructors of the Italian Team of Parelli Instructors.
The themed seminar, an intensive, in-depth course on a specifi aspect of the Parelli Method, lasting two to three full days, hel by Three Star Instructor Gigi Pini.
ASD Equinatura Toscana is affiliated with ASC (Attività Sportive Confederate). The mandatory membership card can be made directly at the Centro.